Mars in Tenth House

© 2000 Curtis Manwaring  [ << ] [ >> ]

MarsMars: If Mars is lord of this place, or present, with dignity or reception and of the sect, it indicates those who are successful military leaders and victors in wars, or those who attain above ordinary rank in the military or the police. Frequently notable athletes are born with this position. One such individual I knew born with Mars at the MC was able to bench press over 700 lbs without the use of steriods! In many cases the native believes that might is right. This is exactly the case with military justice. But in the case of diurnal births where the heat of the day compounds the malefic nature of Mars, there is often acrimony with superiors and a tendency towards insubordination. When Mars occupies the 10th, according to Paulus: "...for some it will cause the separation of the parents... ... and it shows those who go throught the entire span of their life in poverty or narrow straits...". [51] If also in debility and afflicted while out of sect, particularly if it is lord of the accusation, treachery, or theft, I would suspect that the native tends to wrong doing and may be up to no good.


44. Paulus Alexandrinus, Hellenistic astrology Introductory Matters 378 A.D. © 1993 Robert Schmidt, through Project Hindsight, Published by The Golden Hind Press. See pg. 56. Schmidt translates the word from the greek "praxis" meaning work.
45. See note 21.
46. Vettius Valens. Anthology, Bk II, Part 1. aprox. 160 A.D. © 1994 Robert Schmidt, through Project Hindsight, Published by The Golden Hind Press. See pg. 11.
47. Ibid.
48. Ibid, see note 44 above, substitute pg. 57.
49. Ibid.
50. Ibid.
51. Ibid.
52. Ibid. See pg. 56.
53. Ibid. See pg. 57.
54. Ibid. See pg. 58.
55. Ibid.
56. Ibid. See pg. 56.

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