The Second Astrological House - Gate of Hades

© 2000 Curtis Manwaring  [ << ] [ >> ]

The Second House: Also known as the "Gate of Hades". [5], While Paulus Alexandrinus gives no indication as to why this place is called the "Gate of Hades", I will make an educated guess based upon astrological history. First of all, the vedic school often indicates that this place shows signs for death (usually indicated by the 7th or 8th house; often it is the case that you can see similarities in the sign or place opposing). The modern view that the sign that administers for this place has much to do with personal wealth gives another possible clue. Eastern philosophy (and vedic astrology) takes a dim view of the acquisition of personal wealth. They believe that it is a trap for the spirit leading to compounding errors of judgement. Adding to this is the fact that looking at the process of the 12 signs in zodiacal order, this place is the first one that is completely submerged below the horizon. What I get from all of this is a value judgement about the corruption of wealth and its dangers possibly confirming the joint history of vedic and western astrology. In ancient times this house was also indicative of slavery because slaves were considered personal property (not as much as from the perspective of becoming a slave as from the perspective of how many slaves one has). In the present times it might indicate to employers how many employees they have.

Schmidt points out that this place is sometimes called the idle place and the reason that it is also called "the Gate of Hades" is because it is regarded as the exit point for the Sun on its way out of the underworld that begins when the Sun enters the setting place. He also says that the reason that this place is indicative of possessions (or what you tend to retain ownership of) is because of the two motions of the heavens: where the motion of the planets in zodiacal order takes something from the individual (1st house) and brings it to the 2nd place, but the diurnal motion takes what is in the 2nd and brings it back to the individual (1st house). In other words it represents what comes back to you. [6]

In any case, it is said that this place gives indications for what one does due to the trigon relationship to the midheaven. As this place is symbolically the next in order after birth, it represents how you get a grasp of your surroundings; the newborn infant learning object permanence. It also represents your sense of values; what you hold as most important. Stability here is important and creates self esteem. When the lord of this place is afflicted, it is a possible indication of mendacious circumstances, of those who live hand to mouth, vagabonds or street wanderers or those abandoned by their original parents. If the lord of this place is well received, then the native has a place to sleep away from prying eyes, is allowed to work for personal gain and has a head held high. Symbolic of the early life circumstances from birth, if there is interruption of the natural process (shown by affliction or other debility) of getting a grasp of the permanence or stability of one's surroundings (perhaps by parental neglect or some other cause) then the material opportunities presented later are not visible or understood by the native, and vice versa.

More info on each of the planets that have dealings with this place:

The SunSun
The MoonMoon


5. Paulus Alexandrinus, Hellenistic astrology Introductory Matters 378 A.D. © 1993 Robert Schmidt, through Project Hindsight, Published by The Golden Hind Press. See pg. 51.
6. From dinner conversation with Robert Schmidt.
7. Schmidt often brings up athenian philosophical intrigues like this, but I am extrapolating here.

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