Mars in Twelfth House

© 2000 Curtis Manwaring  [ << ] [ >> ]

MarsMars: According to Paulus: "When the star of Ares [Mars] happens to be upon this place, it afflicts the determination concerning slaves and quadrupeds, and supplies treacheries from servile persons and furnishes the occasions". [77] The reasoning here is that Mars creates a character of heat and dryness (felt as hatred) that separates them from empathy with you. It is often the case that the native is not aware of their own subconscious anger and that this forces its way to the surface in the form of confrontations with others where the cause of the conflict is not well understood; usually in the form of one of those "last straw" situations that brings the energies of this place to light. Here it is very important to keep awareness of the effect of your actions upon other people and to stay aware of hidden motivations. This is one of those places where if Mars is of the sect, it can help by cooling the hatred, but on the other side of the sword, your enemies may be able to disguise their intent and motives for their actions. Also it may be the case that the native has a talent for hiding their motives. A nocturnal Mars here is especially good for spying because their actions appear to be for a purpose other than it is. A diurnal Mars will be more likely to bring hidden conflicts and motivations out into the open. Similar circumstances are the case when Mars is lord of this place (when Aries or Scorpio is the 12 sign from the ascendant).


71. Paulus Alexandrinus, Hellenistic astrology Introductory Matters 378 A.D. © 1993 Robert Schmidt, through Project Hindsight, Published by The Golden Hind Press. See pg. 60. Schmidt now calls "divinity" spirit instead.
72. Ibid.
73. Ibid.
74. Vettius Valens. Anthology, Bk II, Part 1. aprox. 160 A.D. © 1994 Robert Schmidt, through Project Hindsight, Published by The Golden Hind Press. See pg. 10.
75. Ibid.
76. Paulus Alexandrinus. Introductory Matters 378 A.D. © 1993 Robert Schmidt, through Project Hindsight, Published by The Golden Hind Press. See pg. 60.
77. Ibid.
78. Ibid.
79. Ibid.
80. Ibid.
81. Ibid.

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